About This Tool

Finances are an important part of planning for university. The Financial Resource Workbook is a tool to help identify some of the funding sources that are available to full-time international students. Scholarships, saving, and student loans all contribute towards paying for a Western education.

Tell Us About Your Plans

Cost Of Living Expenses

$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00

Funding Sources

$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00

A Few Things to Remember

  • For students considering attending Western University, it is important to create a financial plan. This Financial Resource Workbook is intended to estimate the costs and the funding available to single students entering First Year full-time studies at Western's Main Campus.
  • Starting September 2021, tuition rates for undergraduate international students will not increase more than 4% per year, after year 1, as students progress through their undergraduate degrees at Western.
  • Visit our Website for more information on costs and resources.

Summary for One Year


Tuition $0
Student Fees $0
University Health Insurance Plan $0
Books $0
Living With Family $0
Meal Plan Included in Residence Fee
Food $0
Utilities $0
Internet $0
Mobile Phone $0
Personal Items $0
Clothing $0
Entertainment $0
Laundry $0


Funding Gap
You Need


0% Covered

Western can help you close the gap.
View our website for more information.


Admission Scholarship from Western $0
Other Scholarship / Awards / Sponsorships $0
Family Contributions $0
Savings $0
Student loan from bank in home country $0
All Other Resources $0
